Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How to Affect Chest Muscle Building

The best way to affect chest muscle building is to perform exercises specific to that area. Like any workout routine we want to be aware that there are ways to maximize our results. We'll cover the basics that hold true for all workout routines and then specifically for the muscles of the chest.

There are several tried and true facts that will help us when building up any muscles of the body.

  1. The more intensity in the workout the more results. This means picking an appropriate weight and doing a slow controlled repetition that takes approximately 4 or 5 seconds to complete. Continue to do repetitions until you achieve muscle fatigue. If you have a spotter, let them help you do a few more repetitions. Allow about one minute between sets of an exercise and a couple minutes between exercises. Usually two or three sets are sufficient to get awesome results.
  2. We have all heard the statement that "we are what we eat". This is particularly true when it comes to weightlifting. It is very important to eat adequate amounts of good quality protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Without the proper food your body will not perform to the level necessary or be able to repair itself after exercise.
  3. Consider taking supplements to enhance performance and results. This is an area with many different kinds of products. It is difficult to get a clear picture of what you should take without consulting with someone who you trust and who knows what they are talking about. Most bodybuilders start with a good multivitamin, protein, and creatine.
  4. Making sure that we get enough sleep. It is during sleep that the body does most of its repair to the muscles we break down in a workout.

The primary exercises to affect chest muscle building are presses. The standards have always been the bench press, dumbbell flies, and cable crossovers. What is very important here is to make sure that you are focusing on your pectoral muscles throughout the exercise. Some lifters will push their shoulders higher than their chest which will develop the muscles of the shoulders more than the chest. Sometimes a lifter will finish the lift by locking out the triceps instead of the pectorals. It's very important to lift correctly and to focus on the right muscle group.

For more information on how to affect chest muscle building go to the No Nonsense Muscle Building program. This is an excellent guide providing proper techniques to weight training and nutrition.

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